
Kenduli Picnic Spot in Birbhum District

Kenduli is a village that is located on the bank of the Ajay river. Well-known Vaishnab poet Jaideva Mishra became born on this region. An annual fair popularly known as Baul honest is organized here on the event of Makar Sankranti. It's far an excellent picnic spot.

Essential Information
  • You could choose any spot for cooking and picnic at the river bank.
  • There may be no want of contacting each person earlier than coming here.

How to Attain in Kenduli Picnic Spot

Buses ply among Durgapur station and Shibpur. The frequency of buses is good. Kenduli is positioned on the opposite financial institution of Shibpur. there is a bridge on the river Ajay. you may lease a car from Durgapur station to Kenduli.

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